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Movo can help you with your business insurance
It just needs experienced, professional advisers to help you through the process. Yes, finding good people can costs more but this is the approach Movo believes brings better results for our customers including more competitive premiums and better outcomes should you be unfortunate enough to need to call upon your policy to make a claim.

Let us help you find the best value Business Insurance, using
Movo means you can rely on the following:
Pay the right price and not a penny more:
No one wants to pay over the odds, our brokers will be looking to provide you with the most competitive quotation whilst also explaining the cover and variations between different products. We do not always measure ‘Value’ just by premium levels.
We are independent
Which means we can approach any insurer we think will be the most competitive for your needs. Many brokers only operate with a restricted panel of suppliers.
Our staff are experts,
We do not use a call script or a call centre. When you call Movo you can expect to have a normal conversation with people that will remember your name.
We will support you should you have a claim.
We will support you should you have a claim. We have an inhouse claims team that is passionate in trying to help our clients when they need us most.
We are Chartered
You wouldn’t use an unqualified accountant or a lawyer that hasn’t passed his certification exam would you? So why use a non-chartered insurance broker?
We can help with all business insurance enquiries including:

Some covers available

Getting a Quote from Movo is easy
The fastest way to hassle-free quote would be to submit your current
insurance schedule or renewal invitation here. Alternatively, you can request
a call back or give your local office a call.
Business insurance with Movo Insurance
We are here to make your life easier when it comes to all thing’s insurance. If you have Property
Insurance cover, you may well have or require some of the below cover also:
Frequently asked questions
We are here to make your life easier when it comes to all thing's insurance. If you have Property
Insurance cover, you may well have or require some of the below cover also:
What is business insurance?
What will business insurance cover?
What is an Umbrella limit?
What is a commercial combined policy?
Do I need business insurance by law?
How much can I expect to pay for business insurance?
Can I buy individual elements of cover?
Are all policies you sell the same?
What is a package insurance product?
Can I insure against glass breakage?
Can I cancel my policy when I change my mind?
What is a minimum and deposit insurance policy?
What is pro-rata refund?
Do I need to declare my adverse financial history?
Do insurers share information on claims?
Do I need to tell insurers if my turnover has increased during the year?
What is Property Insurance?
What is business interruption (BI insurance)?
What is Money Insurance?
What is an inner limit?
What is a peril?
Find out how we may be able to help you here by asking one of our team.
We also provide Private, Life and Health Insurance cover too.