Consumer Data Protection Regulation Warning
We will act as your agent in obtaining quotations and will treat all your personal information as private and confidential to us and anyone else involved in the normal course of arranging and administering your insurance. We will collect data, which will include personal information about you and other persons to be covered under the policy and risk details required to effect the policy, solely for the purpose of obtaining and providing insurance quotations, arranging and administering your insurance. However, provision of data to us is under a contractual requirement and we will be unable to offer any quotation for insurance if you refuse to provide certain personal data, including health, financial and criminal records data where these would affect the provision of cover and/or performance of insurance contracts.
Disclosure Warning
I need to tell you that you must take reasonable care to answer all questions honestly and to the best of your knowledge, and if you volunteer any other information, you must ensure that it is not misleading.
If any information that you have provided to us changes before you take out your insurance, during the life of the policy or at renewal, you must inform us of the change.
If you deliberately, recklessly or carelessly misrepresent any information in relation to this insurance then your policy may be cancelled without refund, or treated as if it never existed, or your claim rejected or not fully paid.